About Gallery Rush

Gallery Rush is a service for web designers and website owners to help with exposure and link building. For several years, web design and CSS galleries have been popular resources for designers who are looking for design inspiration. At the same time, these galleries provide excellent opportunities for well-designed websites to quickly reach a very large audience.

There are literally hundreds of gallery sites out there, and almost all of them accept user submissions. While getting your site featured in some popular galleries will bring a lot of exposure, manually submitting to a number of galleries can take up valuable time. That’s where Gallery Rush comes in. We have established a relationship with a large number of gallery owners, and we can quickly submit your website to all of our partner galleries, meaning you will not have to manually submit to them.

Gallery Rush is effective because of our existing relationship with web design and CSS galleries and because our service is very cost effective for web designers and site owners. We have not partnered with all of the galleries out there (although we plan to continually add new partners), but we have selected a large number of quality, active galleries. These partners have chosen to receive our submissions, and we place a priority on keeping submissions high quality. By doing so we will be able to establish a strong reputation with gallery owners, and they will look favorably upon submissions that come through Gallery Rush.

In order to keep the quality of our submissions as high as possible, we evaluate each submission we receive. If we feel that it meets our quality standards and that it has at least a reasonable chance to be featured in design galleries, we will submit it to all of our partner galleries. If we feel that it does not meet our quality standards and that it does not have a reasonable chance to be featured in a number of galleries, we will return payment to the customer.

If you are a gallery owner and you are interested in becoming one of our partners (and getting a nice link from our home page), please contact us at [email protected].

If you have questions about our service or how it works, please see our Frequently Asked Questions page. If your questions have not been answered there, feel free to email us at [email protected].

To get started with our service, please complete the form on our homepage and it will lead you through the payment process.